you guys, for the first time in the past year and a half (!), i finally got around to updating my portfolio with lots of new projects! check it out >>> here. i’ve gotten to work with some amazing clients on some really fun projects and i’ll be sharing some of them in more detail here on the blog, starting today with the moon & co.!

i’m so excited to finally share the completed branding project i worked on for the moon & co., a creative event workspace in downtown los angeles. working with molly was a total dream. she had a great vision for her new space and gave me complete creative freedom with the design. we started with her logo and from there, built out the entire brand with a website, business cards, and other print collateral. take a look around her website here. i love how it turned out and a huge thank you to the talented and amazing lindsay of hello monday creative who developed the site! her business cards are also some of my very favorites featuring neutral colors and a blind debossed logo (letterpressed by the one and only presshaus la).

it’s been so fun to see molly’s space all over instagram and all of the shoots, events, etc. that have been happening there! if you’re looking in la to rent a space for your event, i highly recommend the moon and co.!


IMG_2687 IMG_2521 IMG_2661WALLSBROOKECASS_IMG_2550IMG_2619BWIMG_2664 IMG_2721WALLSBROOKECASS_IMG_2705*so i still have SO many photos of friends’ apartments/houses/spaces that i have yet to share on here! i kind of forgot about them until i recently was going through one of my hard drives and found so many gems! i’m pretty sure most spaces have since been rearranged, new furniture has been introduced, & some people don’t even live there anymore…but who cares, right?

today i’m sharing these photos that were taken over a year ago during one of our visits back to hawaii. our friends brooke & cassandra live on the north shore of oahu in the coolest little bungalow that feels like it’s in the middle of the jungle. i mean, just look what brooke gets to wake up to every morning! total dreamland. both of these gals are extremely talented + successful in their creative fields, brooke as a photographer, and cass a clothing designer/seamstress. they are also the founders of the popular lifestyle brand roam hawaii. their cozy home reflects their laid back lifestyle and i love how it feels so secluded from the rest of the world!

check them out here (fyi their feeds will probably make you want to go jump on a plane to hawaii and spend the day at the beach):



for more WALLS posts, check them all out here!




words honestly can’t express how much i love this little human. she made me an auntie almost 3 years ago (where has time gone?!!) and i have loved every second of getting to know her and her adorable/sassy/hilarious personality. before her little sister arrived in february, i wanted to take her out for a fun day with mama + auntie to spoil her in her last days as an only child! we went to duff’s cakemix in west hollywood and decorated cupcakes (well, she mostly just ate them and ALL the toppings…girlfriend has my sweet tooth that’s for sure). she is quite the independent little bee and doesn’t like help so once we showed her what to do, all she could say was “i do i do i do!!!”

if you live in or around LA, i highly recommend taking a little one here! it’s seriously so much fun. and the cupcakes are delicious. also, duff’s is in a great location on melrose and walking distance from lots of other fun stops. you can get alfred’s coffee before and then get yummy sandwiches from ink sack afterwards. all the makings of a fun afternoon!!


EUROPE3_R3A9167EUROPE5_R3A8319EUROPE4_R3A0877EUROPE_R3A2173so we just got back from a trip to europe and had the most incredible time! every day was just so so good and i’m currently having withdrawals (in between serious bouts of jeg lag). thankfully i have approximately one million photos and video clips to always remember the little details. oh what i would give to be sipping a cappuccino on the streets of paris right now! more recaps coming sooooon.



i have some upcoming travels (some work, some personal) this month + next and on my last trip i realized that carrying my toiletries in a ziploc bag is not all that cute. i also discovered that good toiletry bags are hard to find! i searched high and low and these are my favorites that i found on the interwebs (pretty sure dopp kits are technically for men, but whatever, i think they’d do a fine job holding my shampoo):

1 | longchamp le pliage toiletry case, nordstrom, $90

2 | large packing pouch, lesportsac, $62

3 | ted baker ‘large rose’ cosmetisc bag, nordstrom, $65

4 | chapter travel kit, herschel supply company, $30

5 | the dopp kit, everlane, $35

6 | lipault paris 12″ toiletry kit, ebags, $29


EDIT_0R3A1859EDIT_0R3A1645EDIT_0R3A1714EDIT_0R3A1680EDIT_0R3A1668EDIT_0R3A2944EDIT_0R3A1638EDIT_0R3A1929EDIT_0R3A2913EDIT_0R3A2076 EDIT_0R3A2776EDIT_0R3A2574bEDIT_0R3A2857 EDIT_0R3A2618 EDIT_0R3A3029EDIT_0R3A2376right before christmas, my whole family went on a little vacation up to lake tahoe. a lot of my favorite things were involved: my family, those ridiculously cute wee little babes, lots of coffee consumption, christmas music + movie watching galore, and lounging around with absolutely no agenda. the boys did a little snowboarding, the girls did some baking, we played in the snow…it was a grand ol’ time. waking up to mountains and trees covered in snow was also a major treat for this southern california/hawaii born bunch! two thumbs up for mountain getaways. thanks mom and dad, you guys are the best!