BATHROOM MAKEOVER | JAYADORES BATHROOM MAKEOVER | JAYADORES BATHROOM MAKEOVER | JAYADORES BATHROOM MAKEOVER | JAYADORES BATHROOM MAKEOVER | JAYADORES BATHROOM MAKEOVER | JAYADORES BATHROOM MAKEOVER | JAYADORES BATHROOM MAKEOVER | JAYADORES BATHROOM MAKEOVER | JAYADORESwe have two bathrooms in our little abode so my husband and i [luckily] don’t have to share. i think this house was more designed for roommates than a couple because each bathroom is connected to a bedroom. my husband uses the bathroom in our bedroom, and i use the one in my office.

when we first moved in 2 years ago, reis’ bathroom was a sad, sad sight (i took photos but they are nowhere to be found!). the walls were a terrible blue color, the last tenant left us her red gingham shower curtain, and there were mismatched ikea shelves barely hanging by a few nails on random parts of the wall. the first things we did were to paint it white, get a white shower curtain, and make some wood shelves with my dad. i also made some “ace hotel inspired” fixtures including that toilet paper holder and some towel hooks using pvc pipes and spray painting them black. then it sat like that for about a year. i feel like when you first move into a place, you have a lot of decorating/diy momentum and then some projects just sit at a standstill until you have time/energy to work on them again. that was the case with his bathroom. i was more focused on getting our living room and my office into shape so that project went on the backburner. finally at the beginning of the year, i decided to spruce it up and got some baskets and plants and a few flea market trinkets. it’s a much happier place now than its original state….only took me two years!


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  6. Pingback: Renovate your bathroom on a budget

  7. Did you buy the shelf above your sink new? If so, can you share the source? We have a pedestal sink and no cabinets or storage, which I HATE. I love your idea for a visually light glass shelf for toiletries and essentials. Thanks!

  8. Pingback: Awesome Over The Toilet Storage & Organization Ideas - Listing More

  9. Pingback: Sneaking In Some Storage | The Seana Method

  10. Pingback: 10 ideas para decorar el baño · Blog decoración y diy, ideas para decorar tu casa, diy decoración y muebles renovados

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  12. Pingback: 12 Easy Bathroom Decorating Ideas on a Budget

  13. Pingback: diez ideas para decorar el baño · Decoración online para casas con estilo

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